Urgent India Visa for New York Citizen | New York Citizens USA Online Application Form
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Urgent India Visa for New York Citizen

India E-Visa Application Form for New York US Citizens

Urgent E Visa for US Citizens: The Indian Visa for United States citizens/passport holders has been available through an online application form issued by the Indian Government. This electronic visa to India allows travellers from the United States and other countries to visit India for short-term stays. These short-term stays can range between 30, 90 and 180 days per visit depending on the purpose of the visit. There are 4 major categories of electronic India Visa (India eVisa) available to the nationality of the United States. The categories available to United States citizens for visit to India under the electronic India Visa or eVisa India regulations are for Tourist purposes, Business Visits or Medical visits (both as a Patient or as a medical attendant) to visit India.

United States citizens who are visiting India for recreation/sightseeing/meeting friends/relatives / short-term yoga programme / short-term courses less than 6 months in duration can now apply for an electronic India Visa for Touristic purposes also known as a tourist Visa with either 1 month (2 entry), 1 year or 5 years of validity (multiple entries into India under 2 duration of visa).

What Are the Advantages of Indian e-Visa That American Citizens?

  • American citizens, depending on the type of Visa they have applied for can obtain an Indian Visa online with up to 5 years of validity.
  • American citizens can use the e-Visa to enter India multiple times.
  • They can utilize their Indian e-Visa to stay in India continuously for up to 180 days, and enjoy uninterrupted entry into the country. (This facility is reserved for only a few countries like the US and UK, while citizens of others are allowed to stay continuously for up to 90 days only).
  • The Indian Visa online is valid in 5 seaports and 28 airports, alongside land-based immigration checkpoints for visitors.
  • The Indian Visa online allows an American citizen to enter all states and Union territories of India.
  • American citizens can utilize the Indian Visa online to travel to India for medical, tourism and business purposes.

Eligibility for India eVisa Online for US Citizens

New York  USA Citizens apply for online Visa: Indian eVisa (Indian Visa Online) is issued to US nationals only for the purpose of visiting a country for a specific period of time. If you are a US Citizen and planning to visit India for a short-term period you can easily apply for an eVisa to India. Indian Visa Applications for US Citizens can be filled out online. Read about Indian Visa Online (eVisa India) eligibility.

Know your purpose to visit India but not limited to:

  1. Attending any short-term course/retreat in India.
  2. Attending any private or public conference/seminar in India.
  3. Sightseeing/casual visit to meet friends and relatives,
  4. Any voluntary work not involving any monetary payment,
  5. Medical treatment including any treatment under Indian systems of medicine.

As a US Citizen you must fill in the other basic eligibility conditions as listed below in Indian E-Visa Application:

  1. The passport must be at least six months of validity at the time of eVisa application,
  2. Must possess a return ticket or onward journey ticket when travelling to India with an e-Visa.
  3. Must possess sufficient monetary amount when visiting India with an eVisa,
  4. Must possess a separate individual passport even in the case of minors or children.

For more details, please check out the eligibility conditions for India eVisa application 

Categories for India eVisa (India Visa Online)

As a US Citizen, you might want to visit India for a specific time period. Depending on the purpose of your visit from the US, you will be granted a category-specific visa. The purpose of your visit to India for a short-term period may involve tourism, business, conference, medical, emergency etc.

Your eVisa (Indian Visa Online) may belong to any of the following eVisa categories:

  1. Indian e-tourist visa,
  2. Indian e-business visa,
  3. Indian eMedical Visa
  4. Indian e-medical attendant visa,
  5. Indian e-conference visa,

if you are planning to visit India using an eVisa India (India Visa Online) which would fall under the above categories, make sure to check necessary requirements for each category listed above.

Each of the e-visa categories for visiting India comes with its specific set duration and eligibility for staying in India.

Steps to Apply for e visa

Your eVisa application is an easy online process. For India eVisa application, Fill Online form from the website. The application process is a simple four-step process. To make your application process simple, keep all the necessary documents ready.